# Dynamic Imaging

Dynamic imaging is a feature that allows your client applications to dynamic transform and apply filter effects on uploaded images. All generated image urls pointing to your application domain (mostly local and protected urls) may be dynamically manipulated on demand.

The below options has be implemented as such to be mostly compatible with cloudimage API (opens new window).



# Image resizing

The following resize options dynamically transforms images on-the-fly.

Operation Syntax Description
width width=X | w=X Sets the image width to X pixels
height height=X | h=X Sets the image height to X pixels
sharpen sharp=1 Sharpen image with values between 0 and 100
circle circle=D,X,Y Draw a circle at given x, y, coordinates with given diameter.
crop func=crop:W,H,X,Y Use the provided width and height to crop image
crop=W,H,X,Y W and H sets of the rectangular cutout. While X and Y sets the coordinate of the top-left corner if the rectangular cutout.
fit func=fit:W,H,P Sets the resize to fit mode
fit=W,H,P W and H sets of the rectangular fit and position "P". Valid positions top-left, top, top-right, left, center, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right
flip flip=v Flip the image vertically ("v") or horizontally ("h")
trim func=trim:B,A,T,F
Trim away image space in given color with optional parameters
B - Base: Define the the point from where the trimming color is picked
A - Away: Border(s) that should be trimmed away. Valid values top, bottom, left, right
T - Tolerance: Define a percentage tolerance level between 0 and 100
F - Feather: Uses to leave a untouched "border" around an object while trimming. You can expand (positive value) or contract (negative value) the space around the trimed object by a certain amount of pixels
quality quality=X | q=X Set the resize quality with values between 0 and 100

# Image filters

The following filters allow dynamically editing images on-the-fly by applying different effects.

Operation Syntax Description
brightness bright=X | func=bright:X Adjust the brightness of the image
convert convert=T Convert the image to different format. Valid values are jpg, png, gif, tif, bmp, ico, psd, webp, data-url
contrast contrast=X | func=contrast:X Adjust the contrast of the image
greyscale func=grey | func=gray Convert the image to black and white
pixelate pixelate=X | func=pixelate:X
pixellate=X | func=pixellate:X
Pixelate the image into X-pixel-sized blocks
blur blur=X | func=blur:X Apply a gaussian blur filter with a optional amount
sharpen sharp=X | func=sharp:X Sharpen the image
background background=ffffff | bg_colour=ffffff Fills the image with a specified hex colour. Currently only used by the circle operation.
border border=P,C Apply border effects on the images. Currently only used by the circle operation.
text text=T,X,Y Write a text string to the current image at an optional x,y basepoint position