# Introduction

vue-imager is a Vue library for displaying rich media images. Designed with MOIREI Media Library (opens new window) in mind but compatible cloudimage.io (opens new window) and similar dynamic imaging servers.

# Features

  • Multiple use cases: img, picture and background images on any element tag.
  • Responsive imaging for various devices
  • Reactive imaging
  • Lazy loading for both img and bacground images
  • Custom interpreter: the final generated url from imaging options may be manipulated for customised use cases

# Plugin Options

Name Type Default Description
as string "imager" Name the inject Imager instance.
baseUrl string "/media/img" Specify the base url to your imaging server.
breakpoints Breakpoints Sets the breakpoints for device sizes
interpreter Interpreter The function that translates imaging options into a url compatibel with your server.
responsive ImagerOptions Provides a global option for imaging.

# Sizes

Imager device sizes and breakpoints.

Name Code Type
Extra small xs Small to large phone
Small sm Small to medium tablet
Medium md Large tablet to laptop
Large lg Desktop
Extra large xl 4k and ultra-wide