# Customize

# Breakpoints

Breakpoint can be configured globally when registering the plugin.

import Vue from "vue";
import VueImager from "@moirei/vue-imager";

Vue.use(VueImager, {
  breakpoints: {
    xs: 600, // < 600px
    sm: 960, // 600px > < 960px
    md: 1264, // 960px > < 1264px
    lg: 1904, // 1264px > < 1904px

Therefore lg (4k and ultra-wide) is > 1904px.

Alternately breakpoint options can be provided to individual components.

<v-imager src="myimage.png" height="400" :breakpoints="breakpoints" />

# Responsive Imaging

Similar to breakpoints, imaging options can be applied based on device type and breakpoints. The below options configures all image to have height of 400, applies fixed width and pixellation on mobile phones, but sharpen images on 4k altra-side screens.

Vue.use(VueImager, {
  responsive: {
    height: 400,
    xm: {
      width: 500,
      pixelate: 5,
    xl: {
      sharpen: 20,

Same can be done directly via the component props


# Custom Interpreter

The default interpreter converts to true boolean values to 1 and completely omits them when false. In addition, array values are stringified using index format. You can provide an alternate interpreter for a more tailored use case.

import { Interpreter, ImagerParams } from "@moirei/vue-imager";
import { stringify, parseUrl } from "query-string";

export const myCustomInterpreter: Interpreter = (
) => {
  if (options && Object.keys(options).length) {
    for (const key of Object.keys(options) as (keyof ImagerParams)[]) {
      if (options[key] === true) {
        options[key] = 1 as any;
      } else if (options[key] === false) {
        delete options[key] = 0;

    // considers existing params
    const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url);
    const params = stringify(Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, options), {
      arrayFormat: "bracket",
      skipNull: true,

    if (params) {
      return parsedUrl.url + "?" + params;
  return url;

Provide globally.

import Vue from "vue";
import VueImager from "@moirei/vue-imager";

Vue.use(VueImager, {
  interpreter: myCustomInterpreter

Use with Imager.

import { Imager } from "@moirei/vue-imager";

const imager = new Imager(baseUrl, options, myCustomInterpreter);

Same with UrlImage.