# Responsive Imaging

v-imager is also packed with the ability to dynamically detect device sizes and apply imaging options based on configured breakpoints. Available sizes are xs, sm, md, lg and xl. These can be suffixed to any of the imaging props.

<v-imager :src="src" height="200" height-lg="500" blur-xs="5" grey-xs />

Alternatively, responsive imaging options may be configured globally via plugin options.

import Vue from "vue";
import VueImager from "@moirei/vue-imager";

Vue.use(VueImager, {
  baseUrl: "https://demo.cloudimg.io/v7",
  responsive: {
    height: 200,
    lg: {
      height: 500,
    xs: {
      blur: 5,
      grey: true,

# Examples

Resize your browser to see changes.